EUL’s goal of maintaining zero accident and injury rate remains firm.
EUL has a SHEQ policy which ensures that safety is an integral part of EUL operations. This is further augmented by the belief that no operating condition or urgency of service can justify causing injury or endangering the life of anyone. Therefore before any works are done, they go through a rigorous process of risk assessment and approval to remove any safety loop holes.
EUL ensures participation of all staff in safety issues through platforms such as raising job safety observations, raising Safety improvement suggestions, raising safety non conformities, sharing safety tips, appointment of health and safety representatives, and employee involvement in risk assessments.
Monitoring of safety in EUL is done through regular safety inspections by all workers including the managers to ensure that the set standards are being implemented. Incidents are investigated by trained teams to determine their root causes and prevent their re occurrence.
To cap the improvement process bi-annual audits are conducted to review our safety
performance and decide on how to improve.
EUL values the health of its employees and has put in place measures to ensure a healthy
work force such as mandatory annual medical checkups, provision lunch for all staff which is a well-balanced diet, sports activities and participation of peer educators in various activities with Eskom and in the entire community.
Eskom takes its environmental responsibilities seriously with an overall objective of Zero
pollution to the environment. This has been enhanced by environmental protection
initiatives such as waste segregation at the two power plants, planting trees along the river banks, waste recycling, routine maintenance of the units and regular maintenance of its ever green
Eskom Uganda Limited being ISO certified embarked on implementing requirements of ISO 14001:2004(E) environment management system standard. One of the environmental requirements is to prevent environmental pollution. For Nalubaale Power Station this implied prevention of any possible release of oil emanating from the turbines, power transformers and other equipment into the surrounding land or water body.
To achieve this, an oil water separation system for the station had to be constructed to clean up the used water of all the oil that would have mixed in during operation from all possible sources of oil contamination in the plant.
EUL will particularly focus on behavioural change, through environmental awareness and education programs, to ensure all its employees are committed to environmental improvement and actively involved in following procedures, compliance auditing and reporting activities.